
The program will consist of blocks of 75 minutes, during which there will be three presentations followed by a group discussion. The presentations should give a brief overview of the blog post submitted and should therefore not exceed 10 minutes. We expect most of the value to come from the joint group discussions, which will be moderated by the conference organizers. Therefore, presenters should consider focusing on the key ideas and questions they would like to discuss with the group without going into the details of the post. All blog post submissions will be sent to all participants before the event.

Presentation slides are allowed but not mandatory (if you have some, you can save them to a USB stick or send them to shortly beforehand).

We encourage participants to use their time as they see fit and to consider scheduling private meetings with other participants. If you want to schedule a private group meeting, you can ask the organizers about additional meeting space nearby.

Catering will be provided at the venue, except for dinner on Friday (at Abaton Bistro, sponsored by the organizers). Participants staying until Saturday evening are welcome to join an unofficial dinner at Shalimar Gardens (not sponsored by the organizers).

Blog posts

Prior to the conference, participants will receive a compilation of all submitted blog posts. All participants are strongly encouraged to read or skim the blog posts before the conference to enhance the quality of the discussions. After the conference, participants will have the opportunity to update their blog posts with the insights gained at the conference, and to resubmit by July 1st. Decisions about which posts will be published on Verfassungsblog will be made by July 15th.

Venue & accommodation

The Multidisciplinary Forum on Longtermism and the Law in 2022 will be held at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS), 5th floor: Mittelweg 161, 20148 Hamburg (location)

Many participants will stay at the Hotel Vorbach or the Hotel Wagner. If you asked us to book a hotel room for you, you can simply check in directly (after 12 PM and 2 PM, respectively). We will let you know via email which hotel you are staying at and whether you need to pay in advance (or at all). Guests staying at Hotel Wagner will need to show proof of vaccination.


Participants who cannot get their travel expenses reimbursed by their home institution and who requested funding can get reimbursed for their flights/trains (food and drinks will be provided at the conference, and accommodation will be paid for directly by us if you are staying at Hotel Vorbach or Hotel Wagner). We cannot reimburse taxi costs. Please keep the following in mind to get a reimbursement:

  • Make sure to keep all your payment receipts.

  • After the conference, send us all your receipts and tickets to, together with your full bank details.

If you are not sure whether you applied for travel funding, you can get in touch with us.

Additional information

  • COVID: We ask participants to get tested daily for COVID. We will provide free testing kits at the venue (but they can also be bought at any German pharmacy). If you have any COVID symptoms, however mild, please refrain from attending the event. Mask usage is strongly encouraged.

  • Traveling from abroad: Make sure to check the latest COVID travel advice in your home country. You can find the most up-to-date advice for Germany here.

  • Emergency contact: If you need urgent assistance, feel free to contact Alfredo Parra at ​​+49-176-9320-1517 (also via Telegram / WhatsApp / Signal).