Submission Instructions and Notification

Interested participants should submit an abstract of not more than 500 words and their biographical information by 15 February 2022 via the Apply page. Applicants will be notified of our decisions before 10 March 2022. At the selection stage, we intend to provide preliminary feedback to selected applicants, when doing so would improve their contribution to discussions on law and longtermism.

Conference Fee and Travel Funding

There will be no conference fee for successful applicants. Travel funding may be available for a limited number of applicants who are not eligible for reimbursement by their home institution.

Blog Symposium

Successful applicants will be required to produce a blog post setting out the main arguments to be presented at the Forum. Blog posts are to be no more than 1500 words and finalized by 10 May 2022. The top posts will be published on Verfassungsblog as a Blog Symposium on Longtermism and the Law.


After the presentations and discussions at the Forum, applicants are invited to submit a full-length paper by 1 November 2022 for publication in an edited compilation with a reputed publishing house and/or a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal. Final papers might be workshopped further as part of a mini-workshop or sent for peer review in preparation for publication.